iwantporn.net with a new design!

As a fan from the first hour, I am very happy to announce a complete redesign of IWP – I want porn.

It has now a smooth orange/blue theme and a funny Cheshire cat grinning out of the new logo.

And also good news for the security folks, the list with popular pornsites now also offers access via HTTPS! (-> https://www.iwantporn.net)

Perfect IWP – rock on!

My blog, my stories, things that i love

The internet is for porn – and thats true.

And if you search for porn, you may have luck with Google or Bing. But if you are completely new to porn, then i suggest this incredible porn site: I want porn

Basically you get there what you “want”: porn. IWP (in short) is a massive porn list with various links to porn. And it does not matter if you are into videos, pictures, pinboards, forums, blogs, etc.

“I want porn” has everything and it gets updated a lot and you will always find new nice sites.
According to the website-owner they also check for malware and phising attempts on all of their listed sites to guarantee a virus free porn experience.

So if you want to give it a try, try it out:

I want porn – porn directory
